About conference

Traditionally, this conference has been held at Voronezh State University since 2004 and attracts at least 120 participants. In all these years, this conference has been supported by the Russian Foundation for Scientific Research (RFBR). RFBR grants of recent years: 04-01-10043-g, 05-01-10091-g, 07-01-06095-g, 09-01-06039-g, 10-01-06084-g, 11-01-06074 -g, 12-01-06103-g, 16-31-10339-mol_g.

Every year, leading Russian scientists, academics, corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academies of sciences of the CIS republics, the largest experts in various areas of mechanics, applied mathematics and computer science from Russia, Germany, France, Israel and other countries, gather at this scientific forum. The conference is attended by graduate students of Voronezh State University and other universities of Russia. Within the framework of the conference, thorough analyses of modern scientific advances in fundamental and applied areas are made, original reports on the current trends in the development of modern mathematics, computer science and mechanics are made.

In general, the work of the conference is aimed at identifying and systematizing the issues and trends in the development of the scientific areas of modern mathematics, computer science and mechanics; discussion of the results of solving scientific problems and projects; development of scientific cooperation; involving students and graduate students in scientific work.

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